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Collaboration and Intranets

Transform your business with modern solutions.

Let productivity meet employee satisfaction.

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Enjoy the flexibility of the modern intranet

A modern Microsoft SharePoint online based intranet is a secure, flexible, and constantly evolving service, which is easy to adopt to the needs of the individual employee and the whole organization.

Together with Microsoft Teams it forms the backbone for modern information and hybrid work, which provides the necessary tools for communication, sharing, and collaboration. A modern intranet is:

  • An integral part of Microsoft Office 365
  • Based on out-of-the-box features
  • Easy to develop, manage, and keep up to date
  • Natively responsive to serve all devices
  • Secure


Enable productive and secure work

Microsoft Teams has become a significant part of most information workers' daily life when the world has moved to post-covid hybrid work paradigm. Productive and secure hybrid work requires a well set up and well managed Microsoft Teams environment:

  • Well-planned Microsoft Teams Architecture and Governance processes
  • Solid Security and Compliance measures
  • Collectively created and anchored Playbook to secure fluent collaboration
  • Additional tools like TeamsMate that automate the governance process and make data and information better discoverable

Your partner in building tomorrow's workplace

We clarify your vision for you and help you create a productive and meaningful workplace for your employees. A modern cloud environment is a constantly developing service, which creates new possibilities as it evolves. We help you to get the most out of your Microsoft 365 investment. Our experts provide a roadmap that takes your organization to the next level. We can be your trusted advisor in:

  • Creating roadmaps that maximize the benefits for your business and value creation
  • Developing your working culture and adopting new and more productive ways of work
  • Continuous development of the platform through app development
  • Automating manual processes to streamline work

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